Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Save the Pain

Wondering if it will come to placate

The ever ending Chase

Of the paragon, who overturned the Phoenix

Is it passé to believe it is true?

Or is Pastiche like a tirade

Joining the common jargon

Do I become one of the whole?

Does it even matter or jus a hoax?

Kinda so invisible

Even the shadow does not see it

Call it timidity or a result of remorse

Emotions are but viscous

Thick and glutinous- numb within

Without wings- Life is but onerous

Is it ostentatious to fly? (With your own wings)

Gonna be the boat- the one with sails

One which calls Freedom with its name

Is it not Catharsis as an alternative?

Why measure an infraction to carousal

Why measure the pain by a chalice?

Is it real or not- can’t u tell

Forgetting all and making all look like hell

Can’t u know a Chameleon from all what u see?

Or do the sins separate me from the angels with you

Mollify the morose- save the pain

Before it drowns into me.


Anonymous said...

Sure this one is over whelming compared to others..but the intent and the idea is clearly evident and visible...The 'Pain" personification is nice and I liked that.. Also YOUR word selection to depict the true intensity of the pain.. nice .. !!

Sure . u look in some pain..but it will be saved . it will be saved !!!

sood said...

what is the inspiration behind these poems?

Sumanta said...

next time write something about the happest moment of your life...

something real and you can tell it for sure and you need not stive hard to forget it

pragya said...

we dream something..work hard towards it...reached (somewhat)..where we wanted to be...then again...still in pain...still not happy about it...vicious circle...or we dont know what we want...