Sunday, March 30, 2008

Qualifying For Life

Hush of the dew
Leaving the grass blade
Listening to the Opening bud
The clouds above

Are the words that go unread.
Eyes are watching
The sounds that go beneath
Music to my soul
Unleashing the unheard
From the chasms of the deep.

Contention meets silence
The potential is unearthed
Connected by emotion
Ascent takes no leap
Listening to silence
Is the sensitive subtlety.

Forborne are the waves
Morphed by design
Breathing the world inside
Undoing the time
All the words are spent.

Canvassing the universe
Juggling ONE life
Listening the INTENT
Trying to be real.

Learned the learning
Valuing the engagement
"I never stopped trying"
Qualifying for life.


Naval Bhatt said...

hey .. no new post ..
it a month now ..

Naval Bhatt said...

Hey Lucky ..How are you doing .. how come there is no post from last one month ...

Anonymous said...

so no one commented on sweetu's blog for long.
I have anyways read this one. but on reading again it seems to be sung by an embryo in a cigarette addict mommy's tummy.
Ok OK.. you don't have to start throwing things at me now